Wisdom Natural, 甜葉菊滴劑,薄荷口味,2液體盎司(60毫升)
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- 288 Servings
- All Natural
- Zero Calories
With just a few drops, SweetLeaf Liquid Stevia can turn a boring bottle of water or virtually any other food or beverage into a flavorful, healthier experience.
SweetLeaf Liquid Stevia is a natural, convenient and healthy sweetener. It contains no calories or carbohydrates and may be used in tea, coffee, smoothies, protein shakes or any recipe.
SweetLeaf Liquid Stevia is delicious, has髮旺旺 no aftertaste, and is diabetic friendly.
From drinks to desserts, appetizers 髮旺旺to entrees and so much more, the options are endless.
Wisdom Natural, 甜葉菊滴劑,薄荷口味,2液體盎司(60毫升)